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Home Collections Creality CR-30: L’imprimante 3D 3DPrintMill, Infinite-Z, Belt
3DPrintMill (CR-30)
3DPrintMill (CR-30)

Creality CR-30: L’imprimante 3D 3DPrintMill, Infinite-Z, Belt

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Creality CR-30: L’imprimante 3D 3DPrintMill, Infinite-Z, Belt
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Creality 3DPrintMill (CR-30) Spécification de l’imprimante 3D à courroie:

3DPrintMill est une caractéristique de l’impression de longueur infinie et de l’impression en vrac, ce qui permet de gagner du temps dans l’impression et d’être rentable. La ceinture spéciale infinite-Z est la première imprimante 3D Creality à réaliser un volume de construction infini dans le monde.

Axe Z infini pour l’impression sans fin: Équipé de la bande transporteuse roulante, il réalise une impression continue. Pas de soucis pour imprimer le modèle de longueur infinie. Productivité élevée, gain de temps et rentabilité (dimension d’impression: 200 * 170 * ∞mm) * Un support d’extension amovible est disponible pour l’installation afin d’éviter que le modèle ne tombe pendant l’impression.

Structure CoreXY stable: La structure de précision CoreXY stable et robuste avec support de triangle droit isocèle vous offre une expérience d’impression extraordinaire.

Bande transporteuse en nylon: Fabriquée en nylon résistant à l’usure, la bande transporteuse présente une excellente adhérence au modèle. Le modèle imprimé peut tomber automatiquement au fur et à mesure que la courroie roule jusqu’à la fin, libérant ainsi votre main Forte adhérence| Suppression sans tracas | Résistant à l’usure| Transport bien équilibré * Facile à remplacer la bande transporteuse.

Mécanisme d’extrusion métallique à deux engrenages: Extrusion métallique à deux engrenages de haute qualité, combinée à la buse inclinée à 45 degrés réalisant une impression constante de >200 heures sans pression.

Angle d’impression unique de 45 °: La conception unique de l’angle de 45 ° compense les limites de la structure verticale de la buse. Equipé d’un kit de buse haute performance, il permet une impression continue avec l’axe Z horizontal.

Détecteur de rupture de filament: Chaque fois qu’il y a un accident possible comme un ruissement de filament ou une rupture de filament, le capteur intelligent force la machine à suspendre l’impression. L’impression reprendra automatiquement après l’alimentation du nouveau filament.

Carte mère / ventilateurs ultra-silencieux pour refroidir Assurer / Reprendre l’impression.

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Reviews (7) Questions (3)
This Cr-30 machine is a piece of junk. Everytime I start it to print something it prints it and then stops halfway through printing; no error, nothing, it just stops. The quality of what it does print is also really terrible. Most of the time all the different pieces end up melted together when they're not supposed to be. I've tried everything to fix it (re-leveling, changing nozzle and bed temp, reseting the boundaries, etc) nothing has worked. It's complete and total junk. My biggest regret is building it on the fourth floor and that's only because all the windows are panes so I can't open one to chuck it out of! I would not recommend this machine to anybody unless they want their hopes and dreams crushed. Hope you're having a good day because I'm definitely not
Owen Degen
Creality machines are really conflicting for me, especially this one. Setup was almost flawless, until I ran into an issue or two where the instructions are blatantly missing steps, or where it requires two people to assemble for no good reason. Printer works well, but the included slicer doesn't work at all, you have to scour the internet for guides on how to get a slicer working. There's no information included whatsoever as to how to do any work on the machine, it's all guess work. The controller is cooled by a fan that has this grate in front of it that unnecessarily makes it sound like a jet engine. Now the nozzle smashes into the side of the printer whenever I stop a print, I have no idea if it's the machine or the weird slicer I have to use. Idk, it's as if someone cloned a really competent product, it can work if you're willing to put effort into it, but with just a few small improvements this printer could have been perfect, such a missed opportunity. Creality tends to take good ideas and machines and finds some way to screw it up, not to the point where it doesn't work at all, just so that you need to spend a few dozen hours doing their job for them. I regret purchasing this product, I can tell it's going to steal hundreds of hours of my time, it's already taken days of my life from me.
Scott Moxley
Shipping to Canada, required duty (35$~) and was quick delivery ordered May 8th received May26th. The Assembly was quick as most parts are preassembled. It's a little slower printing than expected, as I have started the Benchy included and it's been 12hrs, but the size and quality are looking great so far. I strongly recommend people to join the discord groups and forums to trouble shoot.
vicente cuellar
This printer is amazing, high quality results, prints really well, and set up is pretty straighforward. I though levelling and calibration would be difficult but it was easy. Print quality is amazing, and once you get you head around the 45º angle you end up using way less supports. I'm having a lot of fun with it and now is my favorite 3D printer.

Henry Doolittle
You never have enough bag clips. You keep printing them and they get lost so you need to print more. I told cura to print cam lock bag clips and the printer started popping out bag clips every 2 hours until i told it to stop.

matt r
I can't wait to try the cr-30 I been following it since the day it was brought to light.
Uziel Anaya
Q Hello, Will the CR30 print carbon fiber nylon? If not, are there are part available that might help achieve this? Any guidance or recommendations are very much appreciated. Thank you.
A It is not recommended to use high temperature consumables such as PETG/ABS/Nylon, because the belt is recommended to be used in an environment below 80 degrees
Michal Horaczek
Q Hello, I have a problem with the adhesion to the belt. I see that adhesion in the central section of the belt (where most of my parts are printed) is much worse than on the sides. Could you advise how to get adhesion of central section of the belt back to it's nominal condition? Is there maybe a cleaning agent which could be used to clean the belt and regain adhesion? If yes, please advise how often cleaning should be performed. Thank you for the feedback in advance.
A 1. Please wipe the surface of the belt with isopropyl alcohol 2. Re-level and adjust the tightness of the belt to ensure that the belt and the hot bed are tightly attached If you have similar questions, please contact us or
Q What are the outside dimensions of the printer? As in what sized space would it fit into.
A It is about 535*656*410. If you want to add the detachable stand, it will take more space.
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