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Home Collections Ender-3 S1 Plus 3D プリンター:大型 300*300*300
creality ender 3 s1 plus 3d printer
creality ender 3 s1 plus 3d printer
creality ender 3 s1 plus 3d printer

Ender-3 S1 Plus 3D プリンター:大型 300*300*300

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モデル:エンダー-3 S1 PLUSビルドボリューム:300* 300* 300mm 機械寸法:557* 535* 655mm 印刷速度:最大100mm/s印刷精度:100mm±0.2mmレイヤー高さ:0.1-0.4mmフィラメント直径:1.75mm押し出し力:80 Nマザーボード:32ビットサイレントマザーボードノズル数量:1ノズル直径:0.4 mm再開印刷:はいフィラメントセンサー:はい定格電力:350W/24Vスライシングソフトウェア:Crealityスライサー/Cura/Repetier-Host/ Simplify3D対応フィラメント:PLA/ABS/TPU/PETG対応言語:中国語、英語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、フランス語、ポルトガル語、イタリア語、ロシア語、トルコ語の3Dファイル形式:STL/OBJ/AMF接続:Type-C USB/SD カード

Updated: 15 Aug. 2022

に基づく 5 レビュー


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Sita Ram ji
I was satisfied to open and assemble this printer (3rd one after returning first two), because the size and printing, speed of heating and printing. I could increase the speeds up to 180 mm/s (300%) and yet could get the good quality prints on some designs (not mine of course). Then I changed the nozzle to 0.8mm and printed my designs, got 10 times faster results. Could solve all problems on my own but problem solving took time (such as: warping, breaking prints in between, poor quality lines, initial layer not sticking to walls and plate, and big holes in walls). Additionally I learnt to use a 3D pen and am able to fix some issues on fly during prints so that they complete good w/o wastage. I purchased sonic pad, upgraded to clipper, but did not know how to fine tune. Since I had good experience in marlin, I downgraded it back, and am still using the old way. Now I understand its settings better, I will upgrade again to connect to sonic pad using clipper and I am hoping to further its speed to 10 times more (hence 20-100 times speed using 0.8mm nozzle). The other problem with sonic pad connection was that the bed and nozzle would not heat together. But this will not be a big issue if I am printing continuously. Of course this printer heats up quickly. Its parts are better, more life, as compared to other printers I hear. E.g. extruder parts (gear / nozzle / heater / tubes) normally wear out in 3 months, but this one has higher quality which are still working after a year. Its whole body is still like new. Just occasional use of a cloth or a small had vacuum keeps it shine.
Excellent printer! I purchased this as a first printer and it has been great. Simple to put together. Simple to set up, tune and operate. There is tons of support online for all of the Ender series.
This printer worked great out of the box added the sonic pad and up grated the pad. Then the train crash no prints would work. It would shout off after 1 or 2 hours and say not connected. Other prints the printer would move to the left a little bit and move back and finish the print. Not sure if this was the printer or the pad. Sending both back today.
David Burman
Delivery good day early, unpacking not good one red wheel loose in box and one screw!,the SD card has hardly any information on it, no manual or video tutorials, the display does’nt provide preheat filament and yesterday the CR-Touch failed so I can’t use the printer at all.
The bed was loose when it arrived, once fixed prints great. Yes i would buy another one
Angel C.
Q What is the machine's physical size? (Not print size)
A 557*535*655mm (21.9*21.1*25.8 in)
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