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Home Collections Creality Halot one Imprimante 3D, avec 5 Bouteilles 500ml RÉSINE UV Liquide

Creality Halot one Imprimante 3D, avec 5 Bouteilles 500ml RÉSINE UV Liquide

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Creality Halot one Imprimante 3D, avec 5 Bouteilles 500ml RÉSINE UV Liquide
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Résine Creality Série Halot

Emballage inclus: Halot One * 1, résine UV 500ML * 5 (gris, noir, transparent, chair pour le choix. Laissez un message si nécessaire)

NOUVELLE structure de source lumineuse: 120W Power Super projecteur. La source lumineuse intégrale auto-développée, Precision light control
Découpage haute agilité, nouveau système de découpage Creality : une interface utilisateur simplifiée et une fonction de modélisation facile, et prend en charge le paramètre personnalisé
Axe Z haute stabilité pour une impression de haute qualité.
Contrôle intelligent WIFI-APP. Prend en charge Creality Cloud.
Mise à niveau en ligne OTA : Nouveau firmware/nouveau système. mise à niveau en un clic. Obtenez une meilleure expérience dans la mise à niveau du micrologiciel
Smart Operation System -Linux: La carte mère CPU + GPU 64 bits à 4 cœurs prend en charge le fonctionnement plus rapide et améliore considérablement l’efficacité de l’impression.
Grande expérience de fonctionnement: Système Linux Pour une meilleure expérience d’IA, un écran tactile coloré haute définition de 5 pouces permet de travailler facilement.

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Jeffery A Willsea
I've been printing on FDM Printers for a while but have avoided SLA printers due to the issues dealing with resin. My daughter continually asks me to create miniatures for her so I decided to give it a shot for the higher quality available. I was choosing between this printer and the Voxelab Proxima 6. I was close to pulling the trigger on the Voxelab (I already have a Voxelab Aquila FDM printer and love it) but decided against it for the following issues: they are no longer using Chitu boards, I see few if any firmware updates, no wifi or app. This unit had all of these features. So now onto the Halot One: Everything was well packaged and the unit appears to be well manufactured. Setup was fairly easy, but recommend following youtube videos rather than following the written instructions. Pros: - Vivid and responsive large touchscreen - Wifi and App control/monitoring through Creality Cloud app - Ability to update firmware straight from printer and recent firmware updates - Free stl files available through Creality Cloud - Halot Box software is actually pretty good, also compatible with Lychee Slicer and Chitubox (kind of) - prints well first time with default settings - when you print it allows you use the printer settings or file settings. These can be very convenient as you would not need to reslice based on using different resins.

Edgar a. ochoa
I've been doing 3D printing now for nearly 10 years - but always FDM. I finally decided to try my hand at SLA resin printing and learn something new. The printer is wonderful. It is relatively easy to use. I was able to start getting prints quickly. The only failures has been my fault and not the printer. I'm finding that I seems to be getting great prints out of Siraya ABS Resin and the default exposure time of 1.8 seconds is a little off - 1.6 seems to be better.
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