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Home Collections Ender-7: 250mm/s High-Speed Corexy 3D Printer
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Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
creality ender 7 3d printer, corexy 3d printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer

Ender-7: 250mm/s High-Speed Corexy 3D Printer



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Main Feature Of Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer

Besides the Ender 6 and the 3DPrintMill CR-30 (CoreXY Structure Set up), the Ender- 7 is the third printer in CoreXY architectures. Speed is one of the main draws of CoreXY 3D printers.
With the Ender 7, Creality is boasting a staggeringly high 250 mm/s print speed while claiming to maintain the same printing quality.
Build Volume: 250 x 250 x 300 mm
Frame Dimensions: 430 x 560 x 570 mm
Mechanical Arrangement: Core-XY
Max Bed Temperature: 100℃
Max Hot End Temperature 260℃
Material Compatibility PLA, ABS, PETG
Connectivity: USB, TF Card, Creality BOX
Print recovery: Yes
Filament sensor: Yes
Camera: No

High Speed and Long-lasting Durability

The Ender 7 achieves these speeds thanks to its 42-60 stepper motors that provide ample power and torque to the belts. In addition, to guarantee precise movement even at such high speeds, the Ender 7 features linear rail guides for the X and Y axis, which should provide smooth and stable operation and long-lasting durability.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can Ender-7 print TPU?

A: Ender 7 supports to print the flexible materials such as TPU.

The customised high volume parts for high speed printing:  High volume nozzle, 50mm³ melting chamber, 4000mm³ heating block. Filament is able to be melted and smoothly extrude in high speed. Together with full metal dual gear extruder which differs from single, provide better grip on the filament from both sides which reduces the possible slippage and missed steps. Dual gear can increase precision and accuracy especially when printing flexible materials such as TPU.

Q: Does Ender-7 have auto leveling?  How do you level up in Ender-7?

A: The Ender 7 does not come with an automatic bed leveling function. The printhead can be sent to five different points on the bed, though, and you will have to adjust the bed via the knobs yourself.

Q:Can i install CR Touch/BL Touch on my Ender 7?

A: You could add Ender 7 BL Touch Auto Leveling Kits yourself and refer to video. For the CR Touch, now the firmware is supported, but you need to download the 3D printable file for CR touch mounting. 


Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Ender-7 Mainboard Firmware & DWIN_SET
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I bought mine from a vendor not directly from Creality and have no complaints expect the hot end. It’s an upgrade yes but I’d love to see a direct drive and dual Z leads are a must. Mines staying stable but I see that being the weakest link. For their first linear rail printer it’s great start….maybe an Ender 7 Pro?!?
Paul Kind
Yep, a lot like others have mentioned. The lack of nozzle variety or availability is extremely disappointing. SO much so i am considering swapping out the hot end for something i can use (like a volcano). Right now, im still using the original tip and have noticed a considerable decline in quality but cant get another tip to save my life. not avail on amazon as far as i can tell. One supplier has em, but they are constantly out of stock. I have yet to find a link to the original creality ones that works. all in all, this nozzle is going to be the reason i replace the machine or hot end. Really cool that its fancy fast and cool, but if i cant replace when worn and have no option but 1 size, its less attractive. Wish it had a large nozzle like .8 + as most of what i do would benefit greatly from larger nozzles. Its why i purchased this printer specifically. speed and large parts. Just wish it could accommodate better with a wider nozzle diameter choice and at least some variety in the materials used for the tip. All that said, i do love this printer and think its a great option once these nozzles get sorted. I cant imagine it will take all that long for more to be made and to see some variety, but for now, it really hurts the product. Also, i wish there was standard lighting options on this. With the big upper frame (which is really nice and impressive to behold) just a few led's to accommodate visibility would just be an obvious add for product utility. Im looking to add some battery powered stick on lights, but, it would be so much better if lighting was integrated.
Solid printer, just wish there was easy Availability of nozzles and stringing with it is incredibly difficult to stop, still giving 4 stars because once someone makes a direct drive kit and some spare nozzles for it, it will be AMAZING.
oliver plavy
i love this 3d printer it is sooo fast and easy to set up my first print was so perfect i would recommend this to everyone the price is amazing
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